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Friday, November 6, 2009

my little world

what if you snapped your fingers and you appeared wherever you wanted

or what if you clicked your heels and time stopped and you could replace anything or anybody the way you wanted, or play barbies with the people. like lets say there's a popular girl. and she despises this nerd. what if time stopped and you could place them together, and then have the jocks with the weirdos and the regular people with the nerd group. and THEN take a mental picture. and THEN turn time back on and see every ones faces lol

what if you could fly and those really bad times where you have to drag your snow sled up a snowy hill with all your snow stuff on and your out of breath but then you fly and you make it to the top really fast to sled again, or what if you could sit on top of a really high tree, or get to a friends house by flying, or do somersaults in the air without getting hurt

these are the things I think