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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

so rainy and foggy

I'm not the type of person who can handle so much rain and fog, Kaysie is fine with it, well at least for now, her mind is focused on her new kitten she's getting, and then she'll be playing with him and keeping her mind focused on him, so she's good for a couple weeks, which by then the sun might come out

it's been raining and foggy for around 23 days, UGH! I wish I could run after the fog and rain with my dad's meat clever and say "DIEEEE!!" and it'll run away

it feels like in my life right now I'm trying to squeeze through a pipe, with the rain and fog and also about darn SCHOOL, like the other day, I got all content thinking I'll have a warm bubble bath and do a pedicure to my feet like a me night, then I think about the carnivals coming up..........then school pops up in my head, and then I get all frustrated and confused, well! time to eat fish every night and work harder!

oh also listen to this song it's really pretty! it's by Zee Avi, I love her voice: HERE and this song too HERE


MySecretIndulgence said...

that kitten is adorable!

Jasmine said...

yeah it's adorable =)

but this kitten is not the one my friend is getting though

Jasmine said...

thanks for visiting my blog! =)